Just finished reading Simon Sinek’s “Leaders Eat Last”. Ooph!! What a book! Reading the first chapter is as good as reading the whole book. Reading the whole book, however, guarantees a new chapter in your life.

First off, the beginning of the book made me feel sad about little things I’ve had to muscle through during my career. I’ve always known the difference between a leader and a manager; but to see so many examples cited in the book was bittersweet; a “painful pleasure” — transitioning in the order the phrase reads.

The history in the book is American. However, America as a sample subset of humanity on which a global experiment is run… seems about right. I wouldn’t give away much, but if you want to know why the United States is not so united these days, read the book.

Simon religiously, religiously — for emphasis — ties socioeconomic behaviour back to human biology; showing how these two are coupled. This book should really be called “a D.O.S.E of reality.” Somewhere in the book, Simon quotes someone who says something like “Civilisations don’t commit murder; they commit suicide.” (I’m possibly paraphrasing.) I’ll extend this with “Civilisations commit suicide with technology.” Simon, in “Leaders Eat Last” enlightens this.

It’s a good book. It’s humbly written, and an even humbler read.
