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On MonoRepo vs. MultiRepo

1 minute read

This conversation topic never converges. Like Willie said earlier, “It’s largely a matter of taste.”

JUnit5 Assertions

1 minute read

Developing using an LSP is one of the greatest achievements in developer experience of our time. Now, you can learn the language as you go with “help” coming...

Trying out MRSK

4 minute read

MRSK is this new deployment tool planned to be baked into Rails. The goal is to allow app developers select the best cloud provider that fits their use case,...

Vimscript #12in23

1 minute read

Vimscript has been an old time favourite; seeing that I am composing this blog post in Vim. My decision to use Vimscript here was to use vim9script in solvin...


1 minute read

A decade ago, in the year of our Lord 2013 — time flies! — I took on a challenge to learn seven languages in seven weeks. It was an interesting time because ...

The #DailyCreativeDisciple challenge

less than 1 minute read

Well first geeky thing I learned from this is that to put the # symbol in the metadata part of the markdown file, you have to escape it with the & esc...

I left Instagram. Here’s why.

2 minute read

I left cos Instagram turned on my camera multiple times while I was scrolling through the timeline. This happened during the morning of October 30. The only ...

What distinguishes Software Engineers

4 minute read

In conversation with one of my accountant friends who works in insurance, he made me realize “There is no standard for software engineering.” In accounting, ...

A Journey into CLI Mail Clients

3 minute read

I enjoy GMail shortcuts. I don’t use up to 10% of the available shortcuts, but the ability to navigate with the keyboard has always been fascinating. While p...

On the Quest of Origins

3 minute read

This is an amazing read, and an even more pertinent concern. This problem has been prevalent for millennia; and from the comments to the LinkedIn post, the p...

Presentation Skills

6 minute read

Through our careers as software engineers, our experience would grow as we practice our craft. There’s a saying that one does not really know a topic well en...

Know Your Operations

2 minute read

I recently saw a new detail of a new release into Ruby 2.7 where the array class would have methods like intersection, union, and difference.

C.I. with Github Actions

4 minute read

Continuous Integration is key in the delivery of any software. Now, “continuous integration” has had many definitions over the years. Some say it has to do w...

Rails Boundaries from Nested Resources

1 minute read

With the growth of microservices, and the scaling of many start-ups into medium-sized businesses, apps need to scale in their architecture. A popular way thi...

Deploying Rails to AWS

2 minute read

TL;DR If Rails can be deployed on a VPS, can it be deployed on a shared server?